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GET 15% off any TONIC site TEMPLATE with the code "thetwolauras15"

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We've been using Tonic templates for our newest pages, and can hardly believe we're now able to customise, update, and maintain them OURSELVES, without having to edit code, email a developer, or empty an entire case of Diet Coke!

Tonic's line of completely customisable site templates are basically website templates for people who think they don't like website templates.

They make beautiful design affordable, accessible to everyone — no code, no tears, no limits.

We are in Love With The Website Templates By Tonic Site Shop.

Shop Tonic

GET 15% off any TONIC site TEMPLATE with the code "thetwolauras15"

Need a new websote?

Fun fact... all TONIC's site designs are inspired by cocktails!

Laura D's favourites? Margarita, Cosmo, and Martini! Laura M is waiting for them to diversify to create a Diet Coke template